
Does music effect our society or our youth?

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I think that it does in little ways but not dramatically I mean everybody doesnt like the same music but yet people keep blameing violence on rap, even though it promotes violence I think that our society and youth should know not to follow these lyrics and find their own way through life...but hey that is just my stance on this subject...I want to read yours....




  1. Corporate advertisers know that a 30 second commercial can change someones thinking and influence them to buy their product, thats why billions of dollars are spent each year for these do we really think impressionable teens listening to the music messages hours a day , day after day after day really has no effect on their thinking?

  2. No more than tv or the internet does.  As a parent, I would recommend being in tune to what your kids are watching or listening to and using your own judgment on how the material effects them.  Every kid is different as far as how mature and prone to persuasion they are.

  3. The excuses for inappropriate choices are also heard by the children and it could be worse than the music because most but not all know that violent music is the story of something that does not happen everywhere.   The youth have choices.  It's no different than when a younger person informs their parent it's their fault that they did something - mind you,  the parent would never do or informs their parent that they should be able to put up with their ____.   That is a young one  admitting honestly that they have been given excuses and that their parent should conform because now they are exercising what they heard from an excuse giver or  somebody with bad attitude.  

    I believe that some genres are worse than others but I will not go as far as calling certain genres 100% violent or bad because I took the time to look into it.  Yes, there are some out there that when their grandchildren get their ears into their music they took pay to sing/perform may regret it and get questioned *by a child* but not all.  This is the part where even an entertainer will have to explain themselves but not all, no.

    I agree that kids should be taught to respect themselves and accept the differences between stories which may or may not be true.  I believe some of lyrics are personal and some of it is advertising via record labels owned by who knows aka: a lure that will result in losing health/time only to end up benefiting some sort of paid service.  However, consider over-protection.  At least my sons know I did the dance of communication even if or when they defied me on the issue I seemed crazy but I'm not too worried what a teen thinks when I'm clear on something.  To get the whole picture and gear to make a point ya need to investigate a bit and get them interested in the postive parts of their interests.

  4. I believe it does. Especially our youth at 10 on up.There is alot of peer pressure at that age & much of it is rooted in things related to music, fashion, language, actions etc. Kids are looking for themselves and look to different actors & music artists for inspiration.

  5. Historically, music has always affected people, not just nowadays. Music has been used to foster sociopolitical revolution and rebellion for a long time.

    In the 18th and 19th and early 20th centuries, there had been classical music concerts that actually incited rioting! One of the reasons that jazz and rock and roll caught on was because teenagers used it to distance themselves from the values and authority of their parents or other adults.

    People (especially parents) have always wrung their hands about the "corrupting" influence of music from Ragtime to Rock to Rap....but god forbid you ever question or criticize THEIR generation's music.

  6. I just did a survey on types of music youths listen to and to my surprise I notice that youths who have less time with their love ones or are influence my society to do wrong actually listen to more loud and music that contain vulgar. When asked why would they listen such songs their respond was: It helps then relief stress and anger within them. Where else youths who are the family type listen to more R&B, Instrumental music. Now my statistic is based on 250 people ranging from the age of 12 - 16 from different family background in Singapore. Not all of them would not listen to either genre of songs but this are the types that would prefer either genre has their preferred music to listen to.

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