
Does music often cause physical or sensational manifestation of emotional response?

by  |  earlier

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There are a few songs that mean so much to me, that are so beautiful, soulful and subtle, that they make me feel slightly ill or nauseous. I enjoy them very much and the emotional links are so powerful that they cause these physical sensations.

Is this normal? Have you ever experienced this, or can you offer an explanation?




  1. It's very normal.  I guess you could coldly analyze it as vibrations activating certain response centers in your brain. But I prefer to think of music as having a true magical property of reaching into our souls & moving to all ranges of emotions & feelings.

  2. music can and does affect our moods, feelings, emotions, there are certain songs i used to listen to that i won't anymore, as they tend to make feel down, i mostly listen to christian music, i like casting crowns and chris tomlin about the best

  3. here's a very interesting study:

    and your reaction to music is normal

  4. Yes

  5. Sometimes if I hear a good song I'll get goosebumps and a feeling in my throat like I might cry....sometimes I DO cry. Music is a very powerful thing. Life would be kind of boring without it, don't you think?

  6. Yeah I agree.  I think the answer has to do with the law of attraction, It basically says thoughts become things and the stronger the thought the quicker they become real.  Music has just such a powerful internal effect on us that the change in the physical is almost instant.

    I have a website that you might find useful that deals with this, if not there are some good links there.

    click on the manifesting tab.

    Good luck

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