
Does my 1 month old have gas pains?

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after feeding her tonight around 10 pm she started crying a lot. She cried non stop for about 45 minutes or so. It was really loud crying, too. Eventually, she farted, and then she stopped crying. She's been crying off and on since then now. Does this sound like she's having gas pains? She's very hard to burp when she's eating, and most of the time she doesn't burp at all during her feeding.




  1. it does sound like gas pains. try giving some gripe water to shift the wind. lie her down on her back, gently rub her tummy in a circular fashion, also bend her legs towards the tummy and straighten them alternately. this will release the gas pockets.

    my baby would not burp for about an hour or so after feeding, so she may be a slow burper so keep her vertical till she is done burping after a feed.

  2. Something a nurse told me at the hospital when my son was born always held true for us......when they have gas their upper lip or around their lips will turn white.  If around his lips looked white, i kept patting and rubbing him until he burped.  Also, if patting and rubbing do not work, put her across your legs and bounce her very gently, or sit her up and lean her forward with her chin resting on your hand.  Sometimes they just need to be burped in a different position!

  3. Yep. Try gripe water and laying her over your lap to gently burp. Try rubbing upwards on her back instead of patting too.

  4. More then likely. I had my 4 year only in hospital when she was 3 weeks old. She was screaming for hours. Because she was crying too, she was sucking in more gas.

    It does sound me me its gas pains. Place her over your legs and burp that way. Because you are gently pressing on her tummy, it may help the wind come out.

    Good luck :)

  5. Yes it does sound like that.  Especially since after her first big one she stopped.  There is medicine for baby's just for that.  You should run to walmart when you are able to and find some for her.  It will help her so she will also be able to sleep and not be grumpy and hurting.  

  6. yes, that is exactly what she has going on.  my one month old is going through the same thing,  the mylicon gas drops work wonders.  you can find them at walmart or target.  i know it might seem impossible but try and get her to burp after she eats.  my little girl has a lot of trouble burping too, but i have to make her burp even if it takes a while.  it will be a lot worse if she doesn't. hope everything gets better!

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