
Does my 10th Grade Schedule look allright?

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I'm a freshman right now with a 3.8 gpa, and was wondering how these classes look.

Honors English 10

Spanish 2

Algebra 2

AP World History

Honors Chemistry





  1. Hey we have similar schedule but I have golf instead of track.

    I think this schedule is alright, you have one ap class which will probably have 1-3 hrs of hw each night, 2 honors classes, ans your into sports(colleges would prefer you would be in a varsity team). Also it depends what kinda person you are, if you can handle the work load and still make time for your social life than turn the algebra 2 class to acc or honors. If you are thinking of going to a elite college than consider joining some clubs, aim for a high gpa, and develop a passion for a specific field (ie engineering or history)

  2. you must be really smartt

  3. that basically looks like my schedule from last yr!! lol. yep its totally fine.

  4. I wish track was a course in my school.

  5. looks good to me! :)

  6. As a former teacher, I can say that your schedule is quite impressive for a Sophomore. Judging by your GPA and the classes you are taking, you transcript is going to look awfully appealing to colleges. Taking 3 upper level classes is going to be a little tough, but it's manageable as long as you're dedicated and work hard. Good luck with your classes next year. I'm sure you'll do well :)

  7. It depends on what colleges you think you might apply to. If you're hoping to get into an Ivy, I'd take another AP and try for Spanish 2 Honors and Algebra 2 Honors (if theyre available). APs will help your GPA a lot, and even though many colleges unweight it, it will still look better to have a 3.7 and 6 APs than a 3.8 and only 3 APs throughout high school. Its not a bad schedule, and for the majority of schools it will be fine, but for those really top tier ones, you'd need to bump it up a little to a few more challenging classes. Some schools dont offer that many APs to sophomores though, so if its not possible, then dont worry about it. The colleges will see that it wasnt available and it wont reflect negatively on you. If there are honors in the ones youre currently taking though, I'd push to get a seat in them. Worst comes to worst, if its too much, you go to the easier class. In my experience, honors aren't really that much more difficult as they just require you to analyze things more. The workload is usually the same. I can't speak for all teachers though, just the ones that I've had and what I've heard from others taking regulars courses.

  8. Your classes look great! It is kinda similar to my schedule from high school years ago!

    Best of luck next year and keep up that GPA!

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