
Does my 13yr old daughter need a birth certificate to travel to Cork, Ireland?

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I am travelling to Cork, Ireland tomorrow with my 13yr old daughter. I know that she doesn't need a passport or photo ID but do i need to show her birth certificate?

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  1. Where are the two of you traveling from and what is your nationality?  Makes a big difference.  If you are British and fliyng from within the U.K., no.  If you are American or any other nationality, and flying to Ireland, you both need passports.  If you are American and in the U.K. and taking a ferry to Ireland,, what is your nationality and where are you travelling from and by what means?

  2. I would bring a photocopy of her birth cert (just in case). I wouldn´t expect you´ll have any problems - us Irish aren´t unnecessarily  bureaucratic

  3. If you are arriving at an airport you will need Photo ID at the very least, to get through immigration.  At ferry ports it is more relaxed.

    You should also bring an E 1 11  EU health card in case to want to access the health system for free, should anything go wrong.

  4. if you have it, and think you might need it, then bring it, but make sure you can keep it safe

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