
Does my ATX 650w psu able to run ATI HD 4850 gfx card??

by Guest34314  |  earlier

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i've ATX 650w psu made in taiwan ,am confused if it can run ATI HD 4850 or geforce 9800 cuz i bought it in my country by about 75L.E while another 650w psu (i can't remember what's its model &which is the required psu for those cards) was about 700L.E ,i don't know how is that??

can any1 explain ???

&if it cannot run those ,what is the best card that can be run??




  1. Below is a selection of power supply vendors that are certified by ATI to run a single 4850 card.

    The 650 watts should not be a problem, but that depends on the rest of the devices that you need to power.

  2. Usually no name cheap psu don't deliver a real power bigger than half from what's been declared. Why the price difference: very basic design=miserable performance, cheap and underpowered components, cheap manufacturing.  If you run it you can fry the entire pc.

    ALWAYS get the best psu, it's not worth it to risk your pc for a few bucks.

  3. a Geforce 7300LE? Sorry i don't quite know what your trying to say there.

    Yes a 650Watt should handle a 4850 fine as long as your not overclocking.

    A 4850 is a good card. The best card at the moment for its money is a 4870 which can run on a 650Watt PSU.

    Hope this Helps.

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