
Does my Mother-In-Law "really" like me?

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From the moment I started dating my husband my mother-in-law has never been very pleasant to me. My husband is not a "mama's boy". He never takes her side when she acts like this to me. She always does really childish things. Like gossiping about me to my husband's 1st wife. And refusing to speak to me at funerals and reunions. She has always been very close to his first wife and never really accepted me. She knows my husband doesn't want to be around his 1st wife at all and his mom will go behind his back and have her show up places where my husband will be.

When we took my mother-in-law out for Mother's Day this year we were at her house and the phone rang. It was my husband's 1st wife on the phone. His mom stood very close to me and I could hear her and the 1st wife talking bad about me.

Every time I am around her it seems all fake to me. I feel the only reason she has any kind of relationship with me at all is so I don't keep her from seeing her granddaughter.

Do you think she really likes me?




  1. You have to stop going to her house and that will teach her that it is either you or the ex wife. I hope your husband didn't cheat on his ex wife with you, because if that is the case then you deserve to be treated that way and worse.

    You were not the other woman were you?

  2. No, unfortunately she doesn't seem to like you at all.  People who like other people don't treat them the way she treats you.  It seems she hasn't gotten over his first marriage.

  3. No I think she likes the first wife and is angry that your husband won't live with her instead of you.  I know how that feels my husbands ex-wife lives with his mother.  Thank god they are 1200 miles away...

  4. While you would hope she would like you, it really doesn't matter.  Does your Husband Love you?  Then you have already won! She will come around, and if not don't let her attitude stop you from enjoying your husbands LOVE!  

  5. nah , she's a b*tch.

    but who cares?

    he's going home with you right?

    don't let some one else's excuse for a life get in the way of yours

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