
Does my babies father still have to owe medicaid?

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if my daughter is no longer on medicaid and my daughters father is providing health insurance for her, does he still have to owe to medicaid for their services?




  1. Not quite sure what you're asking?  Everyone pays into Medicaid through their taxes, so yes, he would still be paying into Medicaid.  Depending on how much money he makes, he probably wouldn't qualify to collect Medicaid however.

  2. Possibly if she was insured at the same time. If you recently took her off medicaid to get on to fathers plan no. But if she was on medicaid and you put her on the fathers insurance. Yes, because sometimes depending on what state you can only have  1 type of insurance.  And the fathers insurance would be the first choice to bill and then medicaid can pay the rest.  SO it all depends on what state u live in and also if she had double coverage.

  3. Use the search engine like google or yahoo to brainstorm some ideas first if you want to obtain the massive information,if you do not want to spend too much time,here is a good resource for your reference about your questions.

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