
Does my band director have a right to tell me what instrument to play?

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I started doing marching band last year and I was always a trombone player ever since I started playing an instrument. Then when I started marching band I was forced to play the baritone which I can't stand playing. I was told that it's impossible to march with a trombone. But then later in the year I saw all the other schools with trombones in their marching bands. Then in my second year, I asked to switch over to trombone which I did but then he switched me back to playing baritone again. The music chairperson said "I don't know how you do the drill with a slide trombone." It's not fair because everyone else gets to choose what instruments they want to play. Do they have a right to tell me what instrument to play? I hate the baritone and I should be able to choose what instrument I want to play. Do you have any suggestions to handle this situation?




  1. lots of marching bands have trombones...ours did.  Just simply tell him that if he doesn't want you to play your instrument, you're going to quit marching band.  It's supposed to be fun and if it's not anymore, don't make yourself miserable by playing an instrument that you don't like.

  2. When i was in marching band (many years ago) our school did not march trombones either.  Therefore the trombone players had to play something else during marching band. I believe they played something called a euphonium.  Or something similar to that.  I know that I'd hate to get hit in the head with a trombone slide myself.  So, if you wish to be in band, I'd say it's a small sacrifice to make during marching season.  When concert season came around they switched back to trombones.  As long as they allow you do to do that, I'd just suck it up.  I loved marching band and would suffer for a couple months myself.  Perhaps some bands do allow their members to use trombones in marching, but obviously yours does not, and neither did mine.  Otherwise you could see about sitting out during marching season, but I wouldn't do that myself.

  3. I have been playing the trombone for six years. In that six years, I have fallen in love with the instrument. It combines everything. Loud pitch, jazz, blues, lyrical tunes, hymns and countless other styles which are perfect for the trombone.

    As for your problem, trombones are key to any band, regardless of whether or not they are marching at the time. They are just as important to the music as any other instrument, from the flute to the big base drum.

    Your conductors problem is that he does not realise the importance of the trombone to any musical score. They provide the beef, the base, the loud base line which can carry the band to wherever it is they need to go.

    The euphonium and baritone are all well and good, but in moderation. An army of baritones could never match up to the trombone, and anyone who has ever picked up a trombone, (or sacbut as they called it in the dark ages), knows this. What you need to do is to talk to your conductor, give him the same speech as I have now and tell him how great the trombone is.

    Also remind him that if he is running his marching band properly, there should be enough of a gap between people that the slide will not cause any problems. People fit massive base drums into marching bands for heavens sakes.

    He does not have a right to force you to change your instrument. What he can do, unfortunately, is kick you from the band if you refuse to conform to his views.

    If he does that, simply find another band. Genrally communities have town bands etc. which you can join. Try that.

    Hope I have helped.

    P.S. Don't listen to the woodwinds. They have no idea of the trials and tribulations that we trombonists must go through. ;)

  4. You should have your parents talk to him. You should be allowed to choose what instrument you ant to play, and trombone is perfectly fine for marching band.

  5. No, just go demand that you play the trombone or quit.

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