
Does my bearded dragon have stomatitis?

by  |  earlier

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I have a bearded dragon and he has red, puffy gums, his jaw is crucked but when he was younger he would scrape his face on the side of his tank, he also has less of an appetite. does anyone know what is wrong with him and how to treat it?




  1. I would have the vet check it immediately for metabolic bone disease.

  2. Well I would say it's time for a vet visit. If it is mouth rot you will need to get the medication to apply to your beardies mouth and scrap out the infection.

    If he has an injury to the face that could be the reason why he would have it.

    Does it look like there is a cheesy foam in his mouth or little red or white blisters? his jaw being crooked is a bad sign, I would say at least call the vet to get an opinion from them.

    I wouldn't wait to long to call the vet, I once bought a snake and found out it had mouth rot but it didn't make it more than a few days. I hope all goes well for your beardie. Good luck!

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