
Does my boss need my sin to pay me?

by  |  earlier

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so i worked at a camp ground, and lived there in the camps trailer, and i quit, gave my two weeks and all that, my boss was "nice enough" to give me an advance on my last pay (only by a day) and had yet to send me the rest, she has paid me without my sin before but she now wants it. She is also claming i owe for damages to the trailer and other stuff, which is far from true. Can she take money from me for damages i did not do? other ppl lived there as well before and after me? this is not right, she has held this money for over a month! i think she is just tryin to put all these charges on me cuz im the only one who didnt just get up and leave after one week! help!!!




  1. Sin ???  Or do you mean PIN ?  NO, she CANNOT have your PIN, that is for your use ONLY !

    As for the trailer, she'd have to prove it was you I guess.

    Good Luck

    Try your citazens Advice !!

  2. Nop she can't keep money from your chek for damager (for that she needs a court order). I'm sure there is no police report and that she is just fishing.

    As for the "sin" if you mean the "Social Insurance Number" requiered to work in Canada well it's true you need it to work in Canada, if you didn't have one then you were an ilegal worker and you and your boss could be fined for that.

    Idea: next time, use a camera with date stamp and take pictures of the trailer your first day and your last day as an insurance.

    Edit: If you have your S.I.N then you are OK; she is just tring to scare you away . As for the traler if she keep mentioning it, ask for evidence and copy of the police report and threat to sue for defamation if she keeps acusing you. If she reafure to pay then put a complain on the Labor Bureau or whatever the name over there) or your union or sue them.

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