
Does my boyfriends want s*x or... what?

by  |  earlier

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Is he just horny or something? Here's the story.

My boyfriend and I have been going out for almost 6 months, but like I've known him a lot longer. He's 19 and I'm 18 so it's not a huge age difference.

He knows that I'm a virgin and all, and that I'm not completely ready. But lately he's been like really horny lol. He spends the night at my house a lot and stuff and we sleep in the same bed, but he never tries anything, but he was over a couple nights ago and yeah. We were just lying in bed, and then we started to make out, and he started to lift up my shirt. I stopped him, and he said sorry, but he didn't talk to me until we woke up. He's been really touchy feely lately and I'm ok with that, but I'm not ready to have s*x. I have a feeling he wants to have s*x, but I'm not completely sure. And why did he start doing this all of a sudden? What do I tell him besides just saying stop, cause that's not working.




  1. ok. so i cant really tell from what you've written if you have done anything besides make out. but you make it seem like thats it since you wouldnt let him lift up your shirt. so i would say maybe yea he does want s*x but he doesnt want to push you into it so he's is trying to see if youll do something else. nineteen year old boys are always horny and touchy feely. he probably is just doing this now b/c you guys have been together for six months and he wants a little more. i say you talk to him about it...

  2. seriously i agree with Jessica. Give the guy a break. stop sending double messages, ur sleepin in the same bed and yet u wont let him lift up your shirt. really what situation are you waiting on?

    these were all good points.

    i think ur stoppin him from liftin ur shirt cause ur afraid to have s*x. there are plenty other things u can do instead of s*x. ur afraid to turn on the car cause u dont wanna arrive at the destination, but u need to kno that u can drive around for a bit, see the sights, and u can always stop an park for a while. u kno wat i mean? good luck

  3. All teen boys want s*x all the time.  Any time they tell you they don't, they are just lying because they think that's what you want to hear, and thus by placating you it may lead to s*x.

    No offense, but if you are not ready for s*x, why are you sleeping in the same bed as your boyfriend and making out with him?  I think it's time to grow up and take that step, or stop what you are doing.  It just seems like you are sending a double message here.

    You have known this guy for a long time, and he is you boyfriend.  What better situation are you waiting for exactly?

  4. yes he wants to have s*x with you.

    touchy feely is the starting point and hopefully the ending point is s*x.

    You are giving him mixed signals.

    letting him be touchy feely with you only makes him horny and he then wants to have s*x with you.

    Tell him exactly how you feel about the touchy feely and it leading up to s*x, and ask exactly how he feels about the touchy feely and if he wants s*x.

    He is at the age when he is looking and craving the whole sexual experience, from what you said you are sort of ready, but not totally.

    you two are on different pages, you need to come to an understanding that you both can live with, or it may be time to find people on the same page as you are.

  5. Hes just a boy, your lucky you got yourself a man who respects you. Smile =]

  6. How bout stop being so d**n prude.

    How do you know he wanted s*x?

    He could have just wanted a little more fun.

  7. I think he is doing time pass with u & he leave u after s*x relaition with u.

  8. he just wants to move on and get more intimate with you, u can say its going to the next level or smthn like that.

    if saying no is not working then try talking to him about it and tell him what u think is too much and how far he can go ;]

  9. Wow, seriously? Give the guy a break. He hasn't been laid in almost half a year, he's expected to wait a little something.

  10. Kay first I greatly applaud your decision to take it slow. Too many girls have messed thier lives up because they got carried away. Stick to your guns. if he can wait then that only makes him better. However understand that he is still maturing and that this is something that he has to go through. Just let him know that you empathise with him and understand he has needs that you aren't able to fulfill as of yet.

    Tell him you love him and that you are there for him even through this, and thank him for waiting because it's important to you to wait.

    And most of all do not relinquish your values. Do it when it feels right. i personally waited till i was with the woman I married and We've been married for 2 years and been together for 3.

    So long as he respects your decision and waits he's good. Just know he's still amturing and it's not easy but he has to deal wit it, men need to learn some self control sometimes believe me i know. :)

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