
Does my cat has aids???

by  |  earlier

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my cat lost like 10 lbs in the past month. he is an outside cat and i would not put it past him to be haveing s*x with other cat. how can i be sure?




  1. One sign can mean many many things.  The best thing is going to a vet, and getting blood tests.  If you don't have the money, maybe you can find a cat forum where you can ask questions.

  2. you have a responsibility to care for your pet.........


  3. I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING DANCESWI SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    "Your question is insulting and your updated comments make this whole thing border on abuse.

    You asked a question of all of us, and many of the answers that you've been given are accurate.

    You have an unaltered cat, it's outside and exposed to all forms of feline disease and parasites. You don't indicate that it has EVER been vaccinated and fleas can cause worms, so since you didn't mention that you put flea stuff on your cat I would imagine it's a given that your cat has fleas has digested some and IS wormy.

    Who cares how much your cat is "worth". Do you care if it lives? If you do, then take it to a vet and have it properly taken care of. Or do the right thing and the humane thing and find this poor creature a shelter or a new home where it CAN get the care is deserves and so obviously needs."

    Now, let me add in my 2 cents worth..........YOU ARE A SORRY EXCUSE FOR AN OWNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It's people like you who make pet rescuers sick because you have no business having a pet you don't take proper care for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  4. Worn the cat, you dont need vet for that. I have a farm cat too. He was a feral cat. He comes in, it you're that concerned you will make ithappen. All of it. I'm a month behind on mine. Your question reminded me to pick up the phone while I have the money for the change. Thank you. You. HUGS

    Best of luck, it could be distemper and you don't want that around other animals Get your animals checked.

  5. Is he up to date with his worming? Sometimes cats lose a bit of weight if they haven't been wormed.

    Take him to the vet anyway though, only they can tell you for sure if something is wrong.

    Good luck.

  6. I honestly think you should go see a vet, because even if someone on yahoo gives you an answer, its still someone on the internet and you have no idea if they know what their really talkin about. i think they can only give sugesion but i think you best option is to see a vet. Even if the vet is far away what other choice do you have?If its money then i think you shouldn't of had a cat. My only thing i can think of is a vet, or else  your cat may suffer even more.

  7. onli g*y catz can get the aids ur cat iz g*y

  8. I think that your cat would have worms before he got aids I'm not even sure he could get aids. More than likely you need to get him to the vet to get some cat wormier

  9. ur cat will die

  10. Uhh take him to the vet?

  11. Your question is insulting and your updated comments make this whole thing border on abuse.

    You asked a question of all of us, and many of the answers that you've been given are accurate.

    You have an unaltered cat, it's outside and exposed to all forms of feline disease and parasites.  You don't indicate that it has EVER been vaccinated and fleas can cause worms, so since you didn't mention that you put flea stuff on your cat I would imagine it's a given that your cat has fleas has digested some and IS wormy.

    Who cares how much your cat is "worth".  Do you care if it lives?  If you do, then take it to a vet and have it properly taken care of.  Or do the right thing and the humane thing and find this poor creature a shelter or a new home where it CAN get the care it deserves and so obviously needs.

  12. Only if you boinked him...

  13. You do know that feline AIDS isn't caused by s*x. You should get rid of him. Let someone who knows what they're doing take care of him.

  14. There is cat AIDS. Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is the trigger. It could also have Feline leukemia virus (FeLV). Get it tested at the vet. Cat HIV is treatable.

  15. take him to a vet as soon as possible to diagnose him and to treat his problems

  16. there is a blood test for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus.

    It is real:get your cat to the vet, have a test done.

  17. This question is ridiculous. Find something else to do with your time.

    How in the world would you think any of us could diagnose your cat. If you are so concerned about your cat then get him to a vet. Cats don't get aids,but a different form of immune deficiency. The only way to tell is to get him tested. Half the people don't believe this is a real question so this is why you are getting the type of answers you are getting. Quit fencing with people and take care of your cat.

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