
Does my cat know her kittens have died?

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A few days ago, my cat had kittens..One died pretty much right away, the other lasted almost 10hrs before we think our cat might have sat on her. Now, i'm not too sure if she's aware her kitten has died, shes following us into every room meowing, almost like she thinks we have it. Anytime we're sitting down, she'll lay down like she's feeding or l**k our fingers to clean us up.. Is she aware that her litter has died? Its heart breaking to see her walk around meowing around where her kitten was =(




  1. The mother always knows.... it sounds so sad.... I am sorry.  She probably knows, just doesn't want to believe it.

  2. WOW so sorry about the that!! Why no mention of the poor babies that didn't make it? ALL SO SAD!

  3. She is looking for them, and it is heartbreaking.  Time heals all wounds tho.  She will forget eventually.

  4. While I am not sure that my answer will be a correct one, when my dog had puppies, one of the puppies was stillborn.  Then another one suffocated, and we are not sure how.  

    Our vet later told us, that it is always best to have the mother smell the puppy before disposing of it.  I would think it would be the same with cats, however I am not sure.

  5. That's probably one of the saddest things I've read in a long time. :(

    I bet she doesn't realize it. Which IS heartbreaking. If she keeps laying down like she wants to nurse or l*****g things, I'm guessing she doesn't know.  

  6. That's Sad & That Reminds Me Of My Cat When Her Kittens Died :'(

    Yes They Know & Sometimes They Meow So Hard Like They're Calling Them But If No Kittens Then she Knows.


  7. That's awful!! She probably is looking for her kittens, poor thing. Call your vet and ask their advice.

  8. nope she doesn't know but you should definitely try giving her as much love and attention as possible

  9. i really don't know the real truth to your ? but i think yes on my way of thinking.i'm sorry

  10. Aww...that is so sad. I do believe she knows they died or are wondering where they are. She knows they are missing. You gotta think, she was just pregnant for so many months and gave birth to kittens.

  11. This kind of thing is always heartbreaking to hear about...

    I was in cat 4-H for two year and helped my little sisters handle their cat YahYah (I didnt like her much, thats why I say THEIR cat) when she had kittens.

    Momma knows her kittens have passed away and she sounds like she is wanting your comfort. She could be wanting know know what you have done with the body, it was still her baby. Like a person, for example... A human mother would want to know what happened to her baby's body even if she knows the baby has died. She sounds sure that you have moved it, I am guessing that she did not see you take the body from her nest...

    Just comfort the poor Momma, she is greving and need your attention and love. I am sorry for your situation and will keep you and your Kitty in my prayers!

  12. She's aware somethings gone awry.  Sorry but she will soon forget with the passing of time and if you haven't spayed her she hopefully will have healthier ones in the future.  d

  13. That sounds really sad.

    Well it's her fault she sat on it =P

  14. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

    thats so so so so so so so so so so so so sad poor cat...


  15. That is sooo sad.  Yes, she knows.  I think this is her way of grieving.  She's got all this motherly love and no one to give it to.  Also, as you probably had to remove the kitten from her "nest" your scent will be left behind.  So yes, she might think you have it.  Poor thing.

    Oh, if it wasn't too long ago, why not call the local animal shelter and see if there are any kittens in need of a foster mom??

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