
Does my cat really love me?

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I love my cat so much. He is like my son. He sleeps by me at night and nurses on his own tail, and purrs himself to sleep. Im babysitting a kitten who is very cuddly, and now my cat wont come near me or even purr when I come give him lovings. Is he jealous or mad?




  1. Cats are really creatures of habit and any change in routine can be upsetting to them.  So I'm guessing that the kitten's presence is causing stress in your cat.  I would think that once the kitten is out of the picture, your cat will go back to normal.  It might take a couple days, though, so just be patient.

  2. He probably smells the other cat on you, when the other cat leaves he'll probably like you again. I'm going to say he's both jealous and mad, it's like when a couple has had an only child for a long time and then decide to have another baby and the older child is angry because he's not getting all the attention he's used to, not that the new child is going away or anything (that's not part of the comparison = P).

  3. A lot of cats get very very jealous, in fact every one of my cats did the same thing to me every time i brought in a new pet. One of them even refused to eat or drink & just kept giving me that dissapointed look. The other one tried bullying both the newcomer & me. But every time they got used to the change & made friends with others.

    But since the little kitten is not staying for long, your cat will forgive you once the kitten is gone,

    Cats don't hold grudges unlike some other pets because their memory span is short.

    Your cat still loves you! He's just playing hard to get =)

  4. I would say hes jealous Cats get very territorial over there home and their owners (aka: mommy and daddy) So im sure after the kitten youre babysitting leaves Give your cat some time to get over being all upset Suck up to him by giving him lots of hugs and kisses petting him and h**l come around and will start going back to his usual self

  5. Yes, he is jealous. Don't worry - if you are just babysitting, he'll be fine after the kitten is gone. I have heard that to dogs the owner is the leader of the pack, and to cats the owner is the mommy. Your boy feels like an unprepared toddler does when a new baby comes home. He is jealous BECAUSE he loves you so much. Just make sure you give him lots of make up lovings when baby is gone.

  6. He's probably jealous.  Cats aren't particularly loving pets.  Don't be surprised if he stops using the litter box and starts leaving "presents" on your bed or in your bedroom.

  7. Well I believe this is a lessons learned for you as now you know one thing that will p**s your cat off.  Kitty sitting is not a good thing to do.  They are not like children at all.  You have to gradually introduce a new pet to a household, you cannot just say oh here ya go kitty I have a new playmate for ya.  Now when the kitten leaves you will have yet another set of issues.  You cat will wonder where the unwanted one is.  This too can upset kitty.  Your cat may start to like the tyke before it leaves. What will you do then?  Prepare to pamper.  get a new toy or three.  Maybe even a feather toy. new bed.. IF you kitty is expected to share his litter box you may see issues, clean the box with a urine remover cleaner and rinse well.  Clean the house thoroughly to remove little kitty.  Then spend lots o time with big kitty  after little kitty leaves.

  8. Can I just say to 'ROTTIE MUM' (above) - you could not be more wrong! Cats are very loving pets!

    You must earn love from cats though. They don't just adore you unconditionally like dogs do.... You can kick a dog and it will still love you....

    Cats, if you give them nothing, you get nothing... I think that's fair!

    My cats are awesome pets, because I have so much time and love for them.


  9. If you want a pet that will give you unconditional love, get a dog. Cats are not loyal.

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