
Does my child have a learning problems?

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he has gone quieter and is a leval behind in english he doesnt want 2 go 2 school




  1. I don't think so. I would venture a guess that he may be having some problems at school. Talk to him and get him to open up slowly. Or you could speak to his teacher about this and see how both of you can better help your son.

  2. If you are seeing a behavior change, there is a chance that there is something else going on at school.  Perhaps he is being bullied, maybe he is overwhelmed with the end of school work/ finals, perhaps his teacher has been gone and he is uncomfortable with the substitute teacher.  Talk to the school principal, headmaster, counselor, teachers  whoever is familiar with your son at school.    Explain your concerns, and ask if they have seen any of these at school.

    Also, have you seen any other physical symptoms?  This summer would be a good time for a thorough check up: vision , hearing, blood tests etc.   If he is a bit behind academically, see about summer school or a private tutor.    Consider your child's age and background and try to help him get back on track.

  3. A level behind doesn't necessarily mean he has a learning problem.  Letting us know the age/grade level would be helpful to better answer this question appropriately.

  4. First, does he have any diagnosis?  Second, how old is he and what grade is he in?  More information will be helpful to answer this question.  Thanks.

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