
Does my colleague has some sort of mental illness?

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I work with this guy who is normally a very kind and lovely person, however I suspect something serious wrong with him. He talks very fast and sometimes in a very high mood, when he was in this mood he is lovely and helpful, however for no apparent reason he would switch to a low mood and gets really irritable, thats when he would be rude and inconsiderate, he could say somehting really hurting.. there is no way to tell which way he is going to be tomorrow. Also he has huge debts from spending irresponsibly in the past. He is 36 years old, what should i do with this unpredictable person?




  1. perhaps he is bipolar..if you want to befriend him maybe you can help refer him to a psychologist...but he might get just get to know him may just be his personality and he may not be bipolar at all.

    good luck!


  3. None of those things sound like mental illness.

    It sounds like he's pissed off at himself and he's taking it out on other people.

    He sounds unstable, but mental?  That is a very heavy accusation or assumption.

    He might get over it and come good.  He may just need some counselling.

  4. Has he always been like this, or is this something new?  Sounds like he is headed for a nervous breakdown.   Either that or he is bipolar.  Whatever the reason, try not to take what he says personally.  He obviously isn't in his right mind.  

  5. mind your own business. hes probably on drugs

  6. he probably has bipolar. you could hit him up about mood swings, but there is a high chance he will tell you to mind your own business. find out if you have a mutal friend at work and ask them to help out.

  7. Well you can't ever really "diagnose" anyone but his symptoms sound a lot like bi-polar disorder. I would just try to talk to him about his emotions if you notice him switching from a good mood to a very low and irritable one. Just mention you notice his behaviors but provide support and encouragement for him. You can even help him find a therapist or set up an appt. for him at a doctor's office. Most of all, just try to listen to him. He may really need you as a friend and he might not even know he has a disorder.

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