
Does my cornsnake trust me?

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Ive had my carolina Corn snake for nearly 3months now and im still not sure wether (s)he trusts me, i handle her/him atleast once a week and feed her once a week also (s)he always has fresh water and the temprature is about 25c/30c on the warm side, but whenever i walk in the room when (s)hes out (wich isnt very often) she stops still and wont move and if i put my hand in the vivarium (s)he will stay still for ages and when (s)he does start to move she just moves to her/his other hide

i dropped her once when (s)he was a baby and (s)he fell of something also fell of something around that time, could this have anything to do with it or am i just being impatient?

any advice would be useful (:




  1. i've read that you should handle your snake at least 3 times a week to make them more comfortable with you.  even just 10 min.

  2. snakes aren't like cats and dogs. They don't show affection and cuddle up. Snakes typically see humans as a threat and it's not a big deal if they go in their hide. As long as the snake allows you to hold it, doesn't bite or doesn't must, than you're doing fine. Many of my colubrids will hide at the site of me but when I pick them up, they stay wrapped in my hand and are fine, which is what you want out of a snake. I doubt it remembers you dropping her. Consisten incidents like that may strike a instinct but no just one.  

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