
Does my daughter have ADHD?

by  |  earlier

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I have taken my daughter to the doctor several times concerned that she may be ADHD, but since she is only three and not in pre-school docters in Sylacauga, Alabama will not even consider the fact. I am ADHD and so is my husband so I think I know what symptoms to look for, I have lived with it ALL my life. How can I go about getting a doctor to at least look at her and not just say, "Ohh, it's only a stage she's going through, she'll grow out of it.", just because she's only three?




  1. At 3 a doctor cant make a diagnosis my daughter has been border line ADHD for 3 years now i think she has it the doctors said until she was 6 they would do nothing to help her.

    Its been a long 7 months now and finally she has an appointment but even then its going to take more time for a diagnosis its just not diagnosed at 1 appointment i was told it could take anothor 6 monmths

  2. your probably right. but ofcourse most of the doctor won't do any diagnosis until the child turn 6yrs old....maybe due to over dose if the child take medication.

    my son at that age....golly his so at age of 6yrs old, he got diagnose for having ADHD.

    but to be honest most of ADHD person are smart......i'm assuming this what causing them for being overly active all times....most of the time there looking for excitement

  3.  --  happen to read this article....this should give more n useful info....

  4. I agree that 3 is too young for a diagnosis, but keep at it. Maybe put her in pre-school a couple days a week, then compare notes with the pre-school teachers. A diagnosis of ADHD is an imprecise thing, and is usually mostly based on feedback from parents and teachers as the behavior needs to occur in more than one setting. I suspected my son had ADHD when he was 2, but doctors wouldn't diagnose it until he was 4, almost 5. They had me fill out paperwork on how he behaved at home, and the pre-school had to fill out paperwork on how he behaved at school.  

  5. She may have ADHD, but don't jump the gun just yet.  As you have been told before, she's only three years old. It's really too soon to tell if it's ADHD or typical child behavior.  Wait a few more years, and then you should be able to tell.  

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