
Does my daughter have lice?

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My seven year old daughter lives throughout the school year with her mother, But Recently came out to live with me and my girlfriend for the summer. My girlfriend was doing my daughters hair the other night so we could go out to dinner, my girlfriend noticed there were small blackish flake things that are stuck on the hair unless we pull off with our nails. My ex wife lives.. well a dirtier life style then most. My daughteralso says that she has been complaining to her mother that her scalp has been itching but no one has done anything about it. I am worried that she has contracted head lice. My girlfriend being the clean freak she is started washing all the sheets and etc. My daughter won't be out here for very much longer and I don't want my nephews to tease her about it if its nothing. I plan on taking her to a Nurse to double check. But can anyone tell me if this sounds like regular head lice, and weather or not we may have it also?

(We haven't noticed anything yet) Thank you.




  1. Yes this is defiantly head-lice! poor girl :(

    At seven it probably won't be her mothers fault. As head-lice actually like to lay their eyes in clean hair, plus she is at school with other children who will probably put their heads to close to your daughters.  Does your girlfriend out a straightener or a hairdryer? As both these use heat and kills the lice but not the eggs.

    you can buy head lice and egg shampoos and medicines from the chemist. you probably don't need to go to the doctors.


  2. That is what it sounds like to me.  The best way to tell is to take one of the little black flakes and put it on something hard and roll your thumb nail over it (like you are getting finger printed but with your nail) if it pops then it is lice if it doesn't then it is not alive whatever it is.  If it is you do not need to go to the doctor just go get some Rid.  You can get it at any Walmart or Longs or similar stores.  Also lice do not like dirty greasy hair, that is a myth.  They prefer clear hair because they cannot slip off as easily.  Greasy hair they cannot grip and slip off easily.  To kill it in your pillows you can put them in the dryer for 5 min.  Another thing that works to kill th elice on humans is to put mayo on the hair and cover it up with syran wrap for about 4 hrs then wash it out.  Good luck to you.

  3. i think your seven year old daughter does have lice poor little girl because i had lice and it was black and you couldn't  get it out without pulling it and if she itches then thats the problem she does have lice and lice love clean hair (p.s. id check her hair once a day for an hour and if you fing some kill them with your nail and you might find some eggs so kill them too bye!!)

  4. Here is what we did and it worked after being frustrated for a while:

    The chemical shampoo that you buy ends up with mixed results for many.  Alot of head lice are becoming resistent to the chemcials that once worked and many people are choosing to not pour chemicals all over their heads.

    For a good chemical free approach that works, you will need to use something like the NitFree line of chemical free head lice products to get rid of the ones that are chemical resistant.  This is happening more often now than ever before.  

    NitFree has a great mousse that works to dissolve the glue that is holding the nits to your hair.  Their comb is great as it is a high quality comb that pulls the lice and nits out of your hair.  And I would say that the comb is the key.  If you do not get all of the eggs (nits) out, you will just have them hatching again in a week or so.   Our daughter has thick long hair and this comb worked for us.  

    You will likely want to use the mousse twice (two bottles) and then after two applications of it, I would just coat your hair with conditioner and comb through with their comb wiping it on a tissue to see if you are getting any nits out.

    We buy the NitFree products at kleen-free dot com.

    Additionally, you need to make sure that all of your clothes and bedding and pillow have been washed and/or dried at very high temperatures to get rid of the lice that may be off your body right now.

    Good luck.  You can get rid of them this way and you are not doing harm to yourself or the environment with this solution.

    As also mentioned, they like clean hair instead of dirty so....

  5. just cut her hair short

  6. It most likely is. But instead of taking her to nurse or buying an expensive treatment, get your daughter to use hairspray. Most likely at 7 she is wanting to dress up more, use make-up, and likes her hair fixed. My daughter is 5 and she always wants my wife to use hairspray in her hair. Just use an extra amount, enough to cover the entire scalp and hair. The hair spray should stop the lice from biting relatively quick, so less scratching. If she does scratch sometimes, just tell family and friends that its the hairspray (sometimes itches). Should keep the teasing down and get rid of the lice.

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