
Does my dog have a skin infection?

by  |  earlier

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This sounds really grim, but my dog has this weird thing next to her eye about the size of a small coin. Shes lost some hair around there and has weird yellow things growing on her skin. Could this be some kind of fungus?




  1. Please take your dog to the vet he's the only one that can be sure what it is. We can't see it and can only guess.

  2. Could be. I'd got see your vet and have her examed.

  3. Yes. Might not be fungus but it's definitely something that you want to have it checked out. Especially if it smells funny. As long as they start to lose hair, it's not good.  

  4. maybe she cuaght posion somewhere if she roams around. best to get checked out by a vet

    please help.

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