
Does my employer have to pay me....

by  |  earlier

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I put in my 2 week notice on Friday. I went in yesterday and they said they were putting me on a two day subspention. But they said since I put in my two week notice they said they agreed for it to take effect immediently. they said on my record it wouldn't say I was fired. So my question is do they have to pay me for the remaining two weeks that I have been planing on working? I was told by someone that they had too since I agreed to work.




  1. No, they don't have to pay you for the time since you won't be working.

  2. Honestly it would look like you were terminated if they told you not to come in before your 2 weeks were up. Plus u wouldn't be paid anything except for the days you actually worked unless you had vacation days etc that you didn't use and that would depend on the company.

  3. they don't have to pay you in most states and they don't have to let you stay the full 2 weeks - that's a risk you take in giving notice

  4. Unless you have specific terms in an employment contract the two week notice is only a courtesy.  Laying your off after you gave notice is not very courteous but there would be no legal requirement to pay for that time unless a contract existed.    

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