
Does my engine have a Poppet Valve?

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I have a 95 Johnson V4 130 HP. I posted a earlier question about it over heating and i was wondering if it has poppet valves and where are they?




  1. two, one in each thermostat housing

    Okay, they don't actually call them "poppet valves" -- the thermostat is held down by a spring.  when pressure gets high enough it lifts the 'stat off its seat.

    Call it a "high-pressure bypass" or a "pressure relief" if you will.  

    Same function.

  2. The best way to answer your question is to buy a clymer manual for that engine.  If I remember right they are at the bottom of the cylinder heads.  It has been a while but I dont think they are even by the thermostats, it doesnt make sense since they are put in to even out temperatures throughout the cylinder heads.

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