
Does my eyeliner look ok?

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does it look ok? i have a sister that doesnt wear liner but she thinks it looks really bad. what do you think?




  1. its fine =)

  2. yea i guess it looks alright

  3. The top is way to think!

    and the bottom doesnt go in enough

  4. It looks fine. A little heavy on top though?

  5. It's just normal,average.Nothing wrong with it.

  6. I think it looks good. It doesn't look bad at all.  

  7. if your going to put that much , use a liquid not pencil cause pencil looks glossy in the light an smudges a lot

    other wise it looks fine

  8. It looks okay, not the greatest, but not like, really badd.


  9. It is kind of low.

    You should put it on the actual lower eye lid.

    But i think you have a nice tint on.  

  10. it looks fine.

  11. It looks alright.

  12. its pretty awesome

  13. normal, average, nothing wrong...:)

  14. I would put it on a little lighter. Just enough to 'line' your eye.

  15. It looks fine 2 me.

  16. It's fine

  17. It looks fine. But in the second picture, it looks like she can use a little less.

  18. well, it kinds looks like it is smeered, like it looks like you slept with it on and woke up

  19. The photo is kinda blurry, but to me it looks good....comingfrom a person who doesn't wear makeup.

  20. it looks fine


  21. How do u do that it looks totally hot!!! It looks so good.U go girl!!!

  22. I personally don't like it. It's too think and weird on the bottom and gives your eyes a weird shape. That's just what I think though.

  23. it looks good

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