When we met 5 years ago he was going out and getting completely wasted every night. Now we've been together for 4 years and have an 8-month-old son and he's quit drinking for the most part. We have a couple of drinks occasionally and it doesn't seem to be a problem. The real problem (I think) is that my fiancee will have an alcoholic "energy" drink...WHILE HE'S AT WORK!! We argue about it, because he tries to hide it, but I can almost always tell. It upsets me that he would risk losing his job and our financial security (I'm a full-time mommy) because he "gets stressed out" or "needs energy". I'm at the point where I'm not sure if we should be together anymore, because this keeps happening and I keep threatening to leave him if it's going to continue. I want him to go to AA, but I'm not sure if its relevant since he doesn't actually get drunk. Please help!