
Does my fish have swim bladder? And how do i treat it?

by  |  earlier

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I think my goldfish might have swim bladder, I'm not sure, but he keeps floating to the top and just stays there, still, it looks like hes dead but hes breathing he still swims down every once in a while. so if he had swim bladder how do i treat it or try to help him??? please i need to know, i just got him also. i feed him with flake food not pellets, the water is clean and fresh chlorine free with a tube that makes bubbles, and feed them once a day. help me please???????!?!?!!!!




  1. all fish have a swim bladder

    i think you mean swim bladder deisese please make your question clearer  

  2. My neighbor in Philippines had this problem before, and we figured the tank didn't have enough oxygen. So the solution was get a straw then inhale oxygen and quickly exhale in the straw that is in the water. Quickly because you don't it to turn in to Carbon Dioxide do this until it swims strait. Do this for a couple of days until it looks alright. Sorry it didn't help. thats good it is swimming normaly

  3. im sooooo sorry but its to late to treat it =( to treat it cook a green pea then peel it. after mash it then feed it to your fish. if your fish is all the way at the surface then its not going to make it. if its swiming sideways treat it right away. swimbladder is caused by overfeeding and constapation which causes the air sac in the fish to lose its bouyancy.


    Ok so your goldfish is swiming fine. So he might not have the disease though if you see him swiming sideways or leaning sideways then he has it. Usually goldfishes will swim straight like all fishes at times. Goodluck!!!! =D

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