
Does my friend have any right to do this?

by  |  earlier

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she deleted me and blocked me from her yahoo page just because she found this question about her boyfriend;_ylt=Asb7keTB5oSNS0VirZROp1IgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080831194125AAzcbGi

Im so mad. She has no right to do this - what a ***** she is




  1. Give her time.  She'll get over it.  Just don't hop over to England and sleep with him.  Then she won't get over it.

  2. she had a good reason to do should have never aked a question about her unless you had permision from her

  3. ummm, it's her yahoo page. and that q was totally not cool.

  4. OMG you r such a big w***e...realy and for people see the answers of the other question agree with them shes a home breaker jelouse wicked bytch Thx god she just saw tht ur a w***e i will never accept u as a partener or a friend or even a class mate go find a doctor to help u with ur spirit

  5. Yes she can delete you and block you. Put yourself in her        shoes,  how would you feel if your friend posted a question on   Yahoo  Answers, and you saw it. Wouldn't you get mad?        Wouldn't you delete and block her? I hope I shed a little

    spotlight on your question.

  6. She has every right to do whatever she's done to you.  She would get mad at any other girl crushing on her guy.  You're supposed to be her friend, which makes it ten times worse.  

  7. honestly, she has the right to do whatever she wants.. and besides you know you were wrong in the 1st place to even consider thinking about hookin up with her bf.. she likes him a lot and when she saw that page about her bf she will obviously be angry and frustrated... and shes not the ***** for gettin mad at u and deleting you. u may feel like she is but in reality shes not i probably wud of done the same

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