
Does my gerbil have a cold?

by Guest61804  |  earlier

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my gerbil has a wet nose and seems to be acting weird. He is a father and i don't want him spreading it the babies if he has one. what should i do! (ps he's not cold)




  1. If you have any doubts take him out of the cage and put him in cage by himself in  completely different room or even a different house to quarantine him for a bit. Make sure he has plenty of fresh food and water and maybe some vegetables. Nothing green and leafy or really juicey

  2. Aww... cute. A little sneezy gerbil.

    The baby gerbils don't have to be with the father do they? Just put him in a different cage until he looks better.

  3. i have a hamster but i dont kno much about gerbils

    u might want to take it to a vet or research it online

    my first hamster got wet tail [a disease hamsters get] and it acted wierd and idk remember the symptoms but better safe than sorry

  4. Gerbils are mammals the same as human beings. They are subject to the same illness that we get. So, yes, your gerbil may very well have a cold. If it is showing symptoms, it is too late for the little ones. A couple of weeks and all will be well.

  5. yes my gerbil had 1 o those but he died from that =[

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