
Does my girl have a right to be mad??

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ok welll im 18 my girl is 18 too adn my best girl friend told me she"d like to go to the mall of america. shes poor.

so i said yea me and her planned this ttrripp since we were 13 and i took 3 of her friends and her payed for EVERYTHING blew 5 grand up there on them (their all very poor) and my girl finds out im up there with 3 girls gets really mad after i tried to explain they r my best friends but she was really pissed.

does she have a right to be pissed??




  1. How can you spend that kind of money when you are 18?  Credit cards burning a hole in your pocket and your brain?  You spell and use punctuation worse than my 9 year old neice,  and I suspect that you can't add very well either or you would have never shelled out 5,000 on shopping with nothing to show for it.  You are going to need lots of luck in the near future young man

  2. nope she needs to understand that your alowed to have firends and if she cant then their is no use being eith her sure she has friends she likes to hang out that are guys also.

  3. If you hid the trip from her, yes.  It would just seem "fishy" to me...even though you didn't do anything wrong, she doesn't know that.  Maybe a better idea would have been for you to invite her along!

  4. Yea if you were hanging out with 3 other girls out of town and buying them stuff i would be pissed too! Next time, bring her and never mind the other girls.

  5. I can understand how she can be mad but not about the trip or Friends but you should have been honest with her SO I hope it works out just take her out now to make up for it.

  6. no you can be friends with who ever but ot avoid the situation maybe you should have taken you're girlfriend with you

  7. I dont thinks so  Im mean that is a very nice thing for you to do for them

  8. You need to buy her a subwoofer for her computer to make up to her. =)

  9. nope

  10. Mall of America is way fun. I live close to it so Im there often.

    Anyways I would be super pissed if my boyfriend was spending money on another girl and her friends.

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