
Does my guy friend like me or is he just being nice?

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I've been at the same university for over a year now.

I met this guy last year (we have the same major), and he was always nice to me.

He complimented my eyes once by saying "Your eyes are so pretty. I literally could stare all day at them"

I shrugged it off since I had a boyfriend at the time.

He had asked a girl out since then. (Last year)

But now it's a little different....

Now it's a new semester, he broke up with that girl, and I'm single.

He goes out of his way to talk to me a lot. (More so then last year)

He hugs me, picks me up and says "I love my Lily"

Always greets me when I arrive

He is a friendly, outgoing person, so I am a bit confused.

He pokes, touches, but never inappropriately.

We talk a lot about our favorite movies, shows, and other shared interests.

He compliments my clothing and has offered to ride me home.

I think he was persistent because he kept asking "Are you sure you don't want a ride?" a few times.

But this friday, he kind of ignored me! :(

He sat with another girl (usually it's me)

But I noticed him looking at me (or atleast in my direction)

When I left the room he stared right at me.

I am not a jealous type person, but it kinda hurt...

What should I do on Monday?

Should I give up on this guy? Or should I play some mind games of my own?

Does this kid even like me?




  1. its obvious that he likes you but hes not tryin to press all up on you.thats why your kind of confused on whether he likes you.when he pokes and touches you hes flirting but in a slick way,trust me i had this happen plenty of times.Hes probaley confused too about whether you like him or not.

    this guy kind of ignored you because he wanted to figure what your reaction would be,to see if you like him

    or he did it cause you wasnt giving  him enough attention  so he figured by doin that he will get your attention.

    If you dont like this guy then you should give up on him,but if you truely do then the only thing for you to do is tell him and most likely he will open up to you too.

  2. alright well, it sounds like he's just being nice to you. BUT, and this is a pretty big but, at the same time he's kinda leaving things open. in my opinion, its a great turn on for a girl to make the first move. it shows me that she knows what she wants and isn't afraid to get it. take it slow, don't play mind games, be consistent, and be honest and straightforward. i don't know about this guy, but that would definitely get my attention and get me to do something

  3. ...... A guy hugs you, tells you that you're beautiful, and that he loves you, and you're asking if he LIKES you? Maybe you're not ready for a relationship. You have no business being jealous just because he sat with another girl-- you're not even dating him. Just get it out in the open. Ask him. Tell him how you feel.  

  4. i bet he likes you. maybe he's mad about something u did? maybe he's tired of asking you? if you like him, ask him out but if you don't then just try talking to him again. tell him you like him as a friend. i would definitely say he likes you though. good luck

  5. of course he likes you! he sat with another girl to make you jealous and he probably thinks you dont like him like that, dont play games, just flirt back with him!

  6. It sounds like either he really likes you, or else he's g*y.  He might have sat with that other girl because she asked him to, or he's starting to give up on you because you dont seem interested.  I would say that it is time for you to find out for sure.  Dont play games, just ask him if he would like to go out to dinner with you sometime. Call him on the phone and ask or something if you are nervous about the response.  If you are comfortable with him, you can even ask him "Do you ever see us dating?" I've done that with one of my friends and now we are dating happily. If he says no, you can say you were just wondering because you guys get along so well.

  7. Hello there! I too face guy-friend problems and confusions, so I can relate.

    It seems as if your friendship has became stronger, and his actions have been more sensitive. This is a true sign that a guy has strong feelings for you. If i were you, I would make a move also, and see how he reacts. Hold his gaze a little longer than usual, laugh a little more at his jokes, thank him more than needed and accept his offer for rides home!

    And about him ignoring you, it is COMPLETELY normal, he may either feel that you have not been responding to his flirty actions as he had planned, or he wanted to make you jealous. No matter what the age, guys seem to be more and more confusing! Good luck!

  8. you should totally sit down and talk with him alone about how you feel about him and how he feels about you. find out if he likes you more then a friend. and it sure sounds like your crushing on him too. so i would just come out and ask him out. anything to help =]

  9. It sounds to me like he likes you.  Play some mind games with him.  He just sat with another girl to see how you would react.  You should sit with a guy.  It will get his attention

  10. he might once liked you but u weren't showin that u liked him also  

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