
Does my gym teacher "like" me?

by  |  earlier

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So my gym teacher is a really nice guy and pretty funny too. He's just the cutest as well. So there have been many signs, but just today I went up to him to ask him something, and when I walked up to where he was sitting and called his name, he turned around and asked,

"Yes?..." then he almost paused before he added, "babe..." I mean, that's not the only thing he's done, but I mean he hasn't done anything seriously wrong. We talk a lot and we've really gotten to know each other. Look, I know it's wrong to like a gym teacher and I KNOW tHAT!!!!

I just want to know what you think... does he like me or not? I also catch him staring at me all the time and smiling when I look at him. I'm 16 by the way. He's a really sweet, handsome... (adorable) guy.




  1. Calling you 'babe' isn't really anything major. My lecturer at college has called me 'sweetheart' before and, although I fancy the PANTS off of him, I didn't take it as meaning that he 'liked' me; I knew it was just an affectionate name. In your situation, I definitely don't think you should act on your feelings and should report your teacher to the school if you feel he's over-stepping the line. Remember, teacher's aren't allowed to get intimate with students.

  2. grosss..maybe he does

  3. how old is this guy lol?

  4. you should set him straight you are under age and he knows it. Don't ever meet him anywhere by yourself. You should also tell your conserlor that he is talking to you this way. BE CAREFUL !!!!!!!

  5. ew. your teacher ? ew.

    and by the way your not an adult yet. which means if something happens between you and someone finds out, they will think he's abusing you. so just stop the flirting if you don't want him to lose he's job!!!

    For god's sake!! how old is he?? 40??30?? what's wrong with you! there is a red line and you shouldn't cross it or get near it.

    just find a guy your age!!!


  6. as long as you don't date your science teacher it's ok

  7. ur 16?! h**l na! you better watch out for that guy! thats some "to catch a predator" type of stuff!

  8. yes he does... but how old is he anyways?

  9. the LAW doesn't accept this type of relationships...

  10. haha lol thats cute he deff likes you i mean hello? he called you a babe.

    i like older boys to lol

    just be sweet and its ok!

  11. at 16 you might think that this teacher having a little crush on you is charming or infatuating or whatever but when you get older you will probably find it digusting, there is no reason he should be calling you babe or staring at you, just be careful, doesnt sound like he should be trusted, just dont put yourself in the situation to be alone with him

  12. ew...

  13. um it really depends how old this gym teacher is....if hes like thirty than its kinda creepy and u should avoid him.....

  14. i think he does

    how old is he ?????

  15. OMG I love jaypacs answer that's so hilarious and true at the same time. Get switched out of that man's class immediately and tell somebody what he said. That's sick!

  16. Go for it girl!  Next time you walk up to him from behind put your arms around his shoulders and whisper in his ear.  He'll get the message.  Then arrange it so he can see you in the showers and maybe join you after school is out.

  17. I think you maybe should MAJOR in HISTORY . Seems that can't be changed and 16 is a great time to learn ....history! Gym class is great for climbing but that wall gets pretty tall . Seems it takes practice! stay away from cheerleading ... b/c he will get upset when he misses you to all the player games!

  18. ..... the law forbidds it sry if you dont belive me just ask officer Carl Winslow lol

  19. yes you should go out and get to know each other

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