
Does my hamster bella have we tail!??!?!?! answer a.s.a.p.

by Guest59917  |  earlier

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I was playing with my hamster bella i got her a week ago and just today her tail became was like near her tail but it was more than by her tail it was like her whole bottom so does she have wet tail!?!?!? please answer a.s.a.p. omg im worried!




  1. Okay calm down.

    Symptoms of Wet-tail:

    Wet bottom end

    Smell/ foul odor



    Lack of appetite

    Excess sleeping

    Not grooming itself

    Walking with a hunched back

    The most obvious symptom will be the wet bottom, tail area.

    Well, luckily there are several products out today that can help cure wet-tail. You can take a trip to most of your local petstores to include Petsmart and Petland to grab a bottle of 'Dri-Tail' or 'Wet-tail Drops.' Or, you can go to a vet that sees hamsters, and he can put the hamster on Baytril or Sulfatrim.

    Now she could die with in 24-48 hours.

  2. Calm down, first off. It may not be.. and if it is there are things you can do if it's caught early.

    What is her tail wet with? Is it diarrhea? If her tail is just generally wet with water or urine, that isn't likely wet tail. It's called wet tail because their bottom gets wet with diarrhea, not because it's actually wet. She may have just gotten herself under the water bottle or something.

    Is she lethargic? Does she curl up in a ball and seem very tired all the time, not interested in moving or eating? Does she have diarrhea? Has she stopped grooming herself?

    If she's still acting normally, she doesn't have it. If she has any of the symptoms, take her to a vet. Hamsters with wet tail are very easily dehydrated, so make sure she's getting lots of fluids. If you determine it is wet tail, put some pedialyte in her water and watch to see if she bothers to drink it. If she isn't drinking, get a syringe (without the needle, of course) that you'd use for feeding a kitten or small animal and give her the pedialyte/water mixture with that.

  3. ola he asks for its suitcase which he te answers back everything that vc if he may want

  4. Does the area around her tail brownish color? Has she had diareah lately? If so you should take her to the vet immediately! Wet tail can kill in 24 hours if left untreated! Wet tail is also very contagious so keep all other small animals away from her until you take her to the vet. But on the other hand, your hamster could of just peed and her bottom was wet because of that. But if she has diareah take her to the vet now!

    Hope this helps! :)

  5. Hamsters with wet tail are generally lethargic with a loss of appetite and generally stop grooming. They have a very fluid diarrhea, and develop a wet, soiled, and matted area around the a**s and tail. The diarrhea causes them to become dehydrated, so their eyes may appear dull and sunken. They may sit 'hunched up' and be irritable because of the abdominal discomfort. In serious cases, blood may be seen in the diarrhea or around the a**s, and/or the r****m may protrude out of the a**s because of the constant straining.

    Wet tail is a very serious disease, and hamsters with the above symptoms should be examined by a veterinarian immediately.

    Antibiotics are given to kill the bacteria. Supportive care is given including subcutaneous fluids to correct the dehydration, antidiarrheal medication to alleviate some of the symptoms, and the hamster is kept warm and clean. Even with treatment, most hamsters die of this disease, often as soon as 48 hours after the on

    Wet tail can not necessarily be prevented, but the risk of a hamster acquiring this disease can be reduced. Hamsters should be kept in a clean environment, since transmission of the bacteria from the mother or other hamsters to the young occurs when the young eat fecal-contaminated food or water. Before acquiring a young hamster, ask the source about the occurrence of wet tail in their facility. Choose your hamster from a line of hamsters that has no history of this disease. Avoid stressing young hamsters when moving them to a new environment, e.g.; limit handling them the first few days, keep the hamsters on the same food they were eating for a few days and then slowly switch to a new food if necessary, etc.

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