
Does my husband best friend like me?

by  |  earlier

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me and my husband both meet in 3 grade i was a shy girl and he came up to me and ask if i wanted to play with him. well in 4 grade he meet his best friend Louis and we all grew up to gather

i dated Louis once but i broke up with him because i loved my husband

were all still best friends but i think he still likes me because when my hubby is a work he come over and gives me all these nice gift and everything and I'm a bit scared if i tell me husband it will ruined are relationship because my husband and louis are like brothers




  1. just calmly tell him you cant accept the gifts and just say your sorry im sure he will get the point

  2. If this guy is your friend, he will not be doing anything that makes you uncomfortable. You should tell him how it makes you feel and set clear boundaries. He might not know he is stepping over the line. If you clarify the line for him, then you will know whether he respects you or not. That will make it much easier to decide if you should bring it up with your husband.

  3. You need to set the boundaries with this supposed friend. If he is a true friend, he would respect you, your husband and your marriage.  

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