
Does my income effect how much child support my husband has to pay his ex?

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My husband pays his ex child support every month. So far she has not asked that it be increased but I am worried that if she ever does my income will count as well. I have heard it does. We have a mortgage and 2 other children now so if we had to pay any more it would really have a negative effect on our situation. I don't mind paying what we pay I just worry about it going up.

We live in California.




  1. No just his and hers

  2. YOUR INCOME will never ever be an issue in your husband and his ex's child support case. You didnt help make the baby, you dont have to help pay for the baby financially.

  3. h**l no, not in Texas for sure.  

  4. This is not your child and therefore, not legally your your income will not be considered.

  5. Every state is different... Haven't read up on California laws but here is a site you can find out information on

    Now, That is if the ex pushes the button on it. Meaning she has to file a motion of modification increase of support to get the ball rolling

  6. I live in Florida and here they do not factor in the new wifes income, unless it comes to tax intercept for past due support.  Even at that you can file a form to ahve your portion stopped.

    I am going through this with my ex and I am taking him back to court for child support mod.   I am already ordered 400 a month for one child, however he makes ALOT of money.  He has 2 step kids, and let me tell you that any father should be help just as responable for their blood children as they are fo any kids in the home.

    I hope that you are not like ex's wife.  All sha cares about his HER home, HER kids, HER life.  You need to think about the child in question.  If there is a need for her to take your husband back to court then you will need to deal with it.

  7. child support is based on the incomes of each parent per guideline per state laws..when there is an increase of income on the part of the person who pays child support, the other can file a modification of the current court order for an increase, some do and some don't..there is the cost of living raise per every two years, but it doesn't increase that much.

  8. No.

    Thats her crotch fruit, not yours.

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