
Does my mother remember who am i,does she love me,where is she now,is she by my side,can i speak to her?

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i lost my mom when i was 12,since then i have gone through a lot.i really love her and miss her a lot.i want to know if she love me too.does she miss being with me.i wish i had her with me so that i could take all her guidance in my life.i seem to have no one beside me.




  1. Your mom will always be with you. She will never leave your side. She will always be in your heart no matter where you go. Through the good times and the bad. She will always be looking over you watching you as you go through life and she will be very proud of you. I personally believe yes you can speak to her but she may not speak back to you but don't worry she will listen. When you need her guidance think about what she would do.

    Most of all she will always love you No Matter What.

  2. Physical presence is important but not as much as mental presence! When ever you remember your mom or think about her from your heart, she is there with you...and yes ofcourse you can talk to her. Writing helps more usually. I have also lost my father and I know what you mean by those words. So just remember that whatever you do , you'll have their supports. That makes you calm down :)

  3. My Mom's been dead for 28 years...and I talk to her anytime I feel like it.  At times, I have a sort of warm glow when I'm talking to her. She loved silly jokes...and when I read a good one online, I always think, 'You'll like this one, Mom!'.

  4. This is interesting. Overall you should probably try something/someone new! .  Maybe you should try - A Place to Vent Anger and - Free Dating Sites  

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