
Does my natal chart show that I was born on a cusp?

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My birth-date is November 21, and I believe that is a cusp between Scorpio and Sagittarius, however I'm not sure If my natal chart says other wise, please help.

Sun Scorpio 29.52 Ascendant Aries 27.51

Moon Taurus 7.13 II Gemini 0.22

Mercury Scorpio 24.31 III Gemini 24.32

Venus Libra 28.02 IV Cancer 16.44

Mars Aries 3.37 V Leo 11.26

Jupiter Gemini 1.12 R VI Virgo 13.52

Saturn Capricorn 0.59 VII Libra 27.51

Uranus Sagittarius 29.24 VIII Sagittarius 0.22

Neptune Capricorn 8.31 IX Sagittarius 24.32

Pluto Scorpio 13.13 Midheaven Capricorn 16.44

Lilith Virgo 21.20 XIAquarius 11.26

Asc node Pisces 10.22 XIIPisces 13.52




  1. Yes, it does your sun is aneretic or @ 29 degrees. Suns at that position indicate cusp birthdates.

  2. yah..ur a cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius, ur birthdate shows....

    and here, read the contents of this site if it's true to you.

  3. Half a day later and you would have been a Sagittarius, hence incorporating the Sag traits. Nevertheless, you are still a Sun sign Scorpio as your chart indicates. Don't be confused by the 'cusps' term for it is highly debatable among astrologers as well. Personally, I dont think it's possible for anyone to be born under 2 signs. Everyone can only belong to ONE Sun sign. Hence, assuming that you believe in the term 'cusps', then you are a Sun sign Scorpio born on the Scorpio/Sag cusp. Your chart however suggests that you dont have much Sagittarius influence...the fiery placements come from Aries influence in Mars & Ascendant instead.

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