
Does my philosophy on love make sense?

by  |  earlier

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it's like a's slow and starts off bumpy cause you first have feelings, then you love the person as a person. then u keep going down the road and u begin to fall IN love with the person. i don't believe that love is simple though, but it comes in stages. then u keep going down it slowly and u might reach around the middle where you're thinking, wow, i can't imagine this person not in my life right now, they mean the world to me. then u keep going, and u hit towards the end which would happen after a couple years or so, where you can rightfully say you'd take a bullet for them, and spend the rest of your life with them at the drop of a hat. i don't believe that love is simple at all but there are different stages of it you have to go through to reach the end which is marriage etc. why do people think it's so simple? my boyfriend just told me he'd want to spend the rest of his life with me only after 8 months. i think that's skipping stages and that's too much. i love him, but that's too heavy for me to hear. i've only felt that about 1 other person, but that was after 3 years maybe that's why 8 months is a rush. would anyone else feel the same way or am i just crazy on this whole thing? lol




  1. i've heard this line many times and i think it really sum up the meaning of true love.

    it's said that true love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own.  

  2. You forgot to stop occasionally to fill your tank with gas.  You seem to be running on fumes!

  3. That is not a philosophy.  That is a collection of metaphors and feelings and somewhat superficial.  You are trying to excuse your sexual attraction for your friend and elevate it to some sort of noble expression.  You failed.

    What you need to do is recognize sexual urges for what they are, sexual urges.  Keep fooling yourself and you will soon be pregnant, which is what your body is trying to accomplish.

    Your choice but cut out the nonsense.

  4. That's a good analogy one to keep in mind as you consider what to do next.

    After 50 years with my best friend we have 3 Children, 6 Grand Children, and 2 Great Grand Children all healthy Happy and God Conscious. I can say that love, true love is selfless giving.

    Jesus teaches that if we get to know our fellows we can learn to love them. This truth is more then words imply. It is sharing liefs struggles as well as liefs happiness that we gain through a relationship.

    Life is all about relationships. The question is are we developed enough to love in this relationship other then self. This brings me to character. Do we have insight, knowledge, understanding, courage, counsel, worship. and wisdom? If we do are they developed enough to carry us through the relationship with others and even God.

  5. U have an idea, but the issue of stages don'tt make sense in certain way. It might be true of what your boyfriend is telling you, may be thats what he feel and he have to tell you.

    It could be that your ex did't feel alot for you at first, thats why he took so long to tell you the same thing which took the current one eight months

  6. first part makes since the too fast part makes since but the middle does not really

  7. I agree you need to take your time to get to know someone. Why else do so many marriages end in divorce? Someone says "I love you" too quickly and then before you know it "let's get married" and then they really get to know one another and find it isn't love at all. Initially when you meet someone there is such a rush and plenty of people mistake that for love. True love takes time to develop and mature and it's only when your heart, body and soul are in perfect unison thinking you have found 'the one' should you consider marriage. You road analogy is a good one.

  8. Don't worry. It's not just you. My boyfriend claimed "love at first sight" after we dated for a week =\.. It's a miracle I'm still going out with him right now.. (3 months.. almost 4)

    I guess it's just that you're used to that long amount of time in loving someone. Your love for him is probably still in that "I-love-him-but..." stage. You're not truly in love with him just yet. Why don't you try giving it some more time? Unless he proposed.. which would be even more complicated. My advice to you is that you follow your heart, no matter how corny that sounds. If you don't, and decide to tie the knot, you're not going to live that much of a happy life. Your conscience will always be like "What if...?"

    Hope that helps! ^^

  9. I like your love philosophy because I do agree that there are different stages.

    To answer your other question (would anyone else feel the same way when it's only been eight months).... well i think it kinda depends on your age also.... it would be way too rushed if you were a teenager but if you're over 20 and knew this person before you even dated then maybe not

  10. I guess it makes sense.

    But the whole road-thing is just overdone and yucky.

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