
Does my pool have a leak or is it just water evaporation?

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I've noticed here the past couple weeks that my pool has lost water, could it be a leak or just evaporation?

Can having my pool cover on cause it to evaporate more? My pool is not on an entirely level place either. It's a 16 foot easy set pool btw.

Also, how much water should I expect to lose on a weekly basis to evaporation?




  1. like bugear said this is evaporation you will lose one half of a inch a day due to evaporation and nothing can be about it except watch water level closely pool company owner eleven years experince  

  2. Normal evaporation is 1/8" in winter and close to 1/4" in summer, per day.  Temperature, humidity and wind all bear on evaparation rates and a cover at first seems to be an ideal solution unless you have children and pets, even neighbors pets and any wildlife looking for a drink of water.

    Unsecured covers will envelope anything that falls on the cover.  Rocks, block and bricks do not secure a plastic cover.  Fully secured covers cost a lot of money but offer peace of mind.  Covers also obscure your view of the water and is vary important in maintaining any pool since your first clue usually is it looks funny.

    You're welcome!!

  3. Most likely evaporation. The cover will cut down on the evaporation not cause more. No telling how much will evaporate in a week. Depends on temp. and humidity. My in-ground pool does the same. I have to add water almost every week. The temps here get above 100 every day.

  4. You have to provide more information:


    Average Temperature

    Area in SQ. FT. of your pool.

    And inches that level goes down per day.

    After this we can think in making some calculations and determine if your pool loses water to a normal rate or not.

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