
Does my puppy need excersice?

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I feed my 16 week old pomeranian twice a day, 1/4 cup dry food.

I take him outside for potty 5-7 times a day. For about 5-10 minutes each. Does he need to go on a walk? If so, how long/how far?


Any Information on Poms that you want to give me, it will be appreciated!

P.S. NO rude comments!




  1. Walk your dog 2 times a day. Once in the morning, once at night. maybe 1/2- 1 mile, since pomeranians have short legs. Some good leashes if your dog likes to pull are pinch collars (which don't hurt them) and Gentle Leader. But that probably won't be a problem with your dog because she's so small and easy to control. Also get him/her some toys to play with inside.

  2. i think your dog gets enough energy

  3. Yes, I would take her dog for a walk.  Your dog needs to learn to walk well on a leash, and to see the world outside your yard. There are many things he needs to socialize with.  

    A walk for 10-15 minutes is sufficient, or a bit longer if he is able.  No longer than 30 mins, not too many stairs, and not to run.  At this age you do not want to hurt their knees.  Small dogs have a tendency to have medical conditions that effect their knees so we want to be sure to keep them safe, and less impact until they are full grown.  

  4. Yes he does need to be walked, a few times around the yard (depending on how big your yard is) if it's big once mediem twice really small three times, if your puppy seems tired then quit and the next time you walk him don't go as far.

  5. Well if its had the injections and is ok to go out then yeah its ok for them to go out and run about and have fun with other dogs have you can take them as far as you want i mean i take my dog out for about 3 hours and they love it but take a bottle of water for your puppy when it needs a drink

  6. We often think of exercise only as a health issue, but it has significant day-to-day effects on a dog's behavior as well.

    All dogs for whatever breed needs exercise..

    I have a site here for you to check, it is very informative...

  7. walk him for about two miles a day. one in the morning and one later in the day. make sure he has plenty of water when you get back. Play with him a lot.

  8. about 45 min twice a day

  9. Nobody won't a fat little Pomeranian. LOL. Walk him. About 30 or so mins a day twice. cents you have a puppy he's still growing, and he's paw pads are still soft. So walk him in the grass and that slowly start walking him on cement. he's paw pads will get harder as he grows up. :)

  10. Yes walk him! Half mile is way too long for a 6 month old. Keep it under a quarter mile. So the whole trip should be less then a quarter mile there and back.  

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