
Does my question implies that I like him?

by  |  earlier

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We're in College. My friend told me that he is from a city where most people are white and are "rednecks" whatever that means. I asked him if his parents were very conservative, he said that they are fine but he knows many people whose parents wouldn't be happy if they dated a black girl. I asked him what he thought about interracial relationships, he said that for him, it is totally fine. I am black and he's white. Do you think he might think that I liked him because of my question? I mean, does my question implies that I was in fact asking if he could consider dating me, or maybe he may just think that i was asking a general question?




  1. I think that the fact that this occurred to you in the first place implies that you DO like him, am i right? Im sure that your question would be percieved by the guy you spoke to as completely innocent and maybe the fact that you like him has led you to feel paranoid about it x

  2. I think it depends on how you act with him as well e.g if when you are around him you act like a friend, then he probably wouldn't think anything of your question. But if you act flirty or more than close friends then he probably does think you like him : ]

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