
Does my rat have a cyst?

by Guest55618  |  earlier

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My pet rat (a female) has a cyst in her uterus. What is a rat cyst and will it kill her? It is really weird becuase a week ago, it was not there. I only got her about a year ago for my 11th birthday, so she seems really young to get something bad. Thanks,





  1. unfortunately rats are prone to cysts and tumours just love her and look after her the way you are enjoy your time with her happy rat loving

  2. It could kill her. It should be removed and she should be spayed for her health. Spaying also greatly reduces the chances of benign mammary and pituitary tumors later in life for females.

    More information on cysts in rats:

    More information on fixing rats:

    Also, please get her a same s*x friend. Rat's are highly social creatures and it's not fair to keep them alone.

  3. I agree with the above poster. But I just thought I should warn you. Most rats live to be about 2 years old, so 1 isn't all that young.

  4. Take her to the vet!!!! Now.

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