
Does my self-portrait bear ANY likeness to me?

by Guest67028  |  earlier

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its for school. i had to draw myself in the mirror so the photo wasnt a reference. i feel like i just drew a face and not really my own face. advice please?




  1. Yes, it does!

  2. Eerie!  It shows a dark side of you for sure!  

  3. Nice job. Looks gooood.

  4. Hey, Miss lovely, you got some talent in drawing for sure.It is not yet that perfect and definitely your photo here is more beautiful than the drawing( but maybe you are prettier in person) but it is already artistically okay. I have done a lot of portrait- drawings and paintings too, and for my advice, just continue what you have started for practice makes perfect.If you want first hand tutorial, you may enroll in my friend's drawing class or simply contact me- i'll try to find some time for a talented person like you.  

  5. wow your a great artist :D

    and that absolutely looks like you! good job(:

  6. yes it looks like you! just that your hair looks alittle darker in the portrait.

  7. Very good. Keep up the good work! A good book for fundamentals is 'The new drawing on the right side of the brain'.....  

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