
Does my shadow has an effect on water?

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I go jogging everyday by a long stream of water by which appears to be approximately 4 feet below. I've been noticing that when my shadow hovers over the water and I hear and see bubbles. At first I thought maybe it was a fish, lizard, or bird because there are also bushes around. But as I continued jogging I noticed that the bubbles were following my shadow along the stream. I then stopped and the bubbles stopped. As I started walking the bubbles started again. Mind you there was nothing or no one around as it is an open area and nothing but farm land. I gazed at the water and saw no fish, animals, snakes, turtles, nothing. So I started again and the bubbles were following my shadow. It freaked me out a little but I concluded that my shadow has an effect on water. What do you think?




  1. It sounds as if you are being stalked by the Boggy Creek Monster!  Look out!!

  2. When your shadow passes over the water small creatures you can not see that are in the bottom soil are

    .. .. ..

    Startled and move and when they do they let off the little pocket of gas that they had produced when eating the bottom soil

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    Not a f**t either a little smile in finishing

    .. ...

  3. You are good to observe the phenomenon. water creature are very alert, I would guess that your shadow arouse their movement.

    But since you said it is unlikely some animals there, is it possible your shadow stop the photosynthesis and ....

    another guess is your shadow cause the temperature  unbalance in water/sludge so the sludge emitt gas ...

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