
Does my silky terrier need to see the doctor?

by Guest56110  |  earlier

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My 2 y.o. silky terrier has developed a grey wart on her back that is growing higher; (about the height of an eraser on a pencil and the same width as a pencil eraser. Is this just a simple wart or could it be something else?




  1. anything that should not  be there should be looked at, and anything that is growing, particularly so fast, should be looked at as well.  Do it soon

  2. Could be several things. Have it looked at and put your mind at ease.

    Cancer  would be very unlikely in a 2 year old of this breed.

  3. i don't want to scare you, but this could possibly be cancer..

    you should definetly get it looked at.. and even if it is just a wart get it removed because it could cause cancer.

  4. It could be a lot of things, some dogs just get fatty tumors that are just clusters of fat that just keep growing, or it could just be a small growth that usually stop when they get about half an inch, But I would take your dog to the vet in a week or so if it dosnt go down, just to make sure that its not anything serious if it was cancer its still small enough that could be easily removed

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