
Does my site have the potiental for advertisements.?

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Does my site have the potiental for advertisements. I want to get from adsense do you think this site is good enough for it




  1. Yes, and you should have no problem doing it yourself.

    Once you put the ads on it might take a few days before Google makes the ads more relevant to your site.

  2. Yes, its a clean design.  Adsense would be a good fit.

  3. Yep...Start with adsense...Sign up today and start...Its free...

  4. AdSense would probably work very well on that site.

  5. Yes!  If you want to implement ads then implement ads and don't wait a second longer.  Your website is perfect for adsense.  You will likely get allot of ads for trade schools, small business loans and job placement services.  And with a site like yours, people will click them!  The possibilities are limitless and you have nothing to loose.  Its free and easy so what are you waiting for?  Why are you still reading this, get your ads up now!

  6. Yes, but all adsense is is adword advertiser, so you would need to start advertising with adwords.

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