
Does my son's father have the right to have joint custody for insurance purposes?

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My ex wants to have joint custody because he says that if anything happens to him my son will get his benefits. He says that my son will not get those intended benefits because he has not legitimized him in his last name. I thought all of that was taken care of when he signed his birth certificate at the hospital.




  1. No, he can put the child as beneficary on all policies.  On health insurance he can pay a premium to have the child on his insurance, or a judge can order him to pay all medical bills/insurance.  It doesn't matter who has custody, a father is still obligated.

  2. As long as he is listed as the father on the birth certificate, and there is no questions about paternity, he does not need to have joint custody for your child to received insurance benefits or social security benefits.  Your son will need to be listed as beneficiary, or he won't be eligible for insurance benefits.  

  3. No, your ex can make anyone he wants the beneficiary.

  4. Base upon my recommendation may not totally answer the question,it is helpful indeed you go.

  5. he is just trying to trick you into giving him joint custody and his last name. As long as he signed the birth certificate than there should be no problem.

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