
Does my son have ADHD Autism or something else?

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My 3 year old son is very energetic. He is very rough when he plays and it is very hard to get him to settle down. Sometimes he plays good with other kids. Most of the time he is jumping on them hitting or kicking them and just being mean. But he acts like it is all just abig game he is playing and its like he doesnt understand that he is hurting them. He does not respond well to punishment and as soon as he is done with time out he goes right back to doing what got him in trouble. He is also very destructive. I am constantly cleaning up behind him. He pours out drinks and puts things in the toilet and rips stuff up or just smashes stuff into the ground. He isnt talking very well and has trouble letting us know what he needs. if he needs a drink or wants something he just comes up to me and starts screaming and i usually have to get him to show me what he wants. Sometimes i just cant figure it out. He is very touchy and takes him a while to warm up to people even people he knows. He is not potty trained yet, he absolutely refuses to do it. He is also at times very lovng and clinggg me, he hates when ileave and when he is upst sally wont go to anyone but me. He does play by himself and does use his imagination sometimes. he laughs and can jump and can stack blocks. and he likes playing with other kids . If i refuse to do something he wants or give him something he is very relentless and will bug me for hours about it. He just doesnt seem to understand no. sometimes when he gets new shoes he will absolutely refuse to wear them and cries for the old ones that dont fit any more.I just dont know wether he is just a normal energetic little boy or if these are symptoms of a disorder.




  1. something you should ask a doctor about..there are some signs there of maybe mild autism. but im no doctor so dont take my word for it.

  2. I think you should have your son evaluated for early intervention services.  You may want to do some research on Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and see if this sounds like your son.

    Your description makes me think he has some qualities of a child with SPD.  

    You may also want to review your parenting style and see if you are providing a consistent routine, fair and predictable discipline and age-appropriate consequences.  These factors may be the largest predictor of your sons behavior.  Do some reading on setting boundaries for appropriate behavior for a young child.  I certainly do no think that aggression and destruction are "normal and acceptable" for a three year old or any child.  There are many resources out there to help you as a parent and to help your son if he has special challenges.

  3. I am amazed how people jump on Autism straight away from what you describe he sounds like a normal three year old, when Thomas pictured left was three, the last thing he would do is play with other children or even cling to me he hated being held or cuddled, Thomas isn't destructive and only like certain toys, first off Autism is a very complex thing it isn't about Not talking its a lot more than this and from what your saying here he sounds very energetic and NOT autistic  

  4. Here is not the place to ask because there arent many professinals on here. But just remember hes 3 not 7...

  5. HE'S only 3.  

  6. Take him to the doctor and have him screened for Early Intervention services (I assume you are in the States)

    Some of what you describe is typical of children his age, but also some things that should be red flags (still not talking, and resistance to change shoes)

    Talk to his doctor!

  7. possibly get him checked out

    he proberbly has ahd they will put him on ritaylin

    my son used to be friends with a boy who had adhd he was lovely lively funny and outgoing so there is light at the end of the tunnel seek a proffesional opinion

  8. I'm sorry, this is not something that can answered here.  I would recommend you get your son assessed by a professional.

  9. i have a five year old son who is autistic aswell as diabetic. i can tell you that we had him diagnoised at age two and time is most definatly of the essence with any learnig delay or dissability. you need to address these issues immediatly with your childs pediatrican. keep in mind yor childs doctor is most likley not very aware of autism in a whole. my sons doctor tells me they learn more from parents and their patients. when my son was initally diagnoised it was a check list of 40questions. that lead us to kaisers special autism program and we got a group of specialist who confirmed the autism. please do get the answers you need soon, for the family but mostly for your son! wishing  you the best

  10. I always thought that my son had some sort of attention disorder or learning disorder. The doctors never believed me until his kindergarten teacher gave me a referral to see a doctor. He has been diagnosed with ADHD and ODD. But, we cannot diagnose your child from you describing what he does on here. The doctors watch a child for quite awhile before the even diagnose them with anything.  

  11. First, ADHD and autism are two different things.  Secondly, both of these conditions can only be diagnosed by a professional.  You will probably not find much help here.  Good Luck.

  12. Autism and ADHD are two very different disorders.  I'm not a psychologist, but from what you describe it doesn't sound like autism.  Maybe a little ADHD, but to be honest, 3 years old is very young to be making any diagnoses.  At 3 years old your son is not developed enough to make an accurate diagnosis.  You need to make an appointment with your pediatrician, discuss your concerns with him/her and let them make a decision or refer you to someone else.  

  13. when my son or daughter bit me or another person, I bit her back.  When she or he hit or kicked someone else, we did the same thing to them (milder of course).  You have to discipline from the beginning or it doesnt work.  Your kid needs this discipline that I speak of!

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