
Does my soon to be ex husband wants me back???

by Guest57547  |  earlier

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last nite my soon to be exhusband called me 18 times. he left 2 voicemails askin about our daughter n says he wants to pick her up. he started callin at like 12 am didnt stop to about 4 am when i picked up. we live in 2 seperate cities same state. im like hows that possible if u supposedly just started a new job. how r u going to find the time to keep her for a few weeks or a month. this comes after he said he would file 4 divorce n pay 4 it bc i wont do either n not to contact me until papers are ready. hes been singing the same song and has not contacted a divorce lawyer yet. he wants me to give him a number for the lawyer..n everytime i tried to bring it up in teh convo he would cut it off. the end of the convo he said he had to go bc his gf of 2 months is coming home but i doubt the whole story of them living together bc he cant even afford to keep his cell phone on or pay child support/ he called me from his half brothers cell phone so im guessing hes living wit him. thats where he got served 4 child support just 2 weeks ago. hes such a liar. n told me that he really doesnt want the divorce but its something that needs to be done. whats up with behavior. y is he actin so weird all of a sudden




  1. you asked this same question under the avatar of lovely. how could someone want a phony like you back. Get a life

  2. i think you should kiss him and you will know he loves you or not... if he closes his eyes he loves you and if he does not close he does not simpoooooooooooool...................

  3. he does not know what he wants do not have any contact with him that is not to do with ur daughter u 2 come 1st do u work if not u may be entitled to legal aid to get the ball rolling x

  4. He's confused.  Dump him and move on.

  5. Is s*x out of the question? I think he wants a piece. I only say that because nookie and medical emergencies are the only reasons I'd be on the phone after midnight. Of course, he could be drunk calling. Either way though, I think he wants nookie and he's using divorce drama to draw you in.

  6. From going on what your saying, I'm led to believe this guy is on drugs.  To be calling at 12 and 4 AM??  

    I'd be careful. He may want to get the kid and disappear.  

    Doesn't a person who really wants you, NOT have another gf/bf in their life??  NO, he doesn't want you

  7. Mmmh funny he just want to convince u he is ok en he can do it without u en he is not,just dont call back or communicate he decided to leave so to h**l

  8. It does appear as if he is using the threat of divorce as a manipulation to get you to change. You did not mention why it is you both separated, but if it is because he feels he was being mistreated, then why not use this opportunity to re-evaluate if you truly want him to go through with this divorce. It may be his pride that is getting in the way of him giving in. Also, he sounds as if he was not too happy in the marriage and goes from wanting a divorce to hoping things will change for the better. You seem to not respect anything he says and discount it as a lie. This comes from him playing manipulative games in the past and so as you said, he sings the same old song. His claiming to have a girlfriend and to him living with her is a total vow breaker whether it be a lie or not, he is implying he does. There is something wrong with the respect he has for the vows he took with you. He is either wanting more control in the relationship or he really does have a girlfriend and has made attempts to move on. His calling at all hours indicates he is struggling with moving on. If you want him to have incentive to stop playing this game then you need to make it harder for him to get in touch with you. By doing this he will be forced to give in and set his pride aside and talk to you. Good luck to you!

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