
Does my surname sound funny?

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Oh surname is Rawa. I m going to a new school. Do u think the children will tease my by my surname? I m so scared. Oh...what do u think abt my surname? Does it look funny? Pls help me...




  1. no not at all

  2. whats a surname..????

    well watever name it is..

    it sounds cool to me!!!!!

    its not funny at all!!!!!!

  3. i can give lots of surname which even can make u dont worry u r far above them

  4. No it doesnt sound funny. And anyways, its your surname & you cant really do much about it......

  5. fine

  6. No, ur sir name sounds fine, still the kids have no rights to make fun of ur name how funny it sounds, plus Rawa is a nice name.

    (I hope i helped u, plz. select me as best answer, if u want)

  7. You're fine, after all look at amy winehouse, now that's a crazy surname! but its cool!

  8. I don't think it's funny.  It's better than my friends, 'Marlin Glascok',  'Precis Jules', and 'd**k Heady'.   (I'm not kiddin', that's really their names).  More than likely students will make fun of it anyways because children r petty and cruel.  Instead of letting them get away with it make some really great story up that tells about the heritage of ur name.

  9. Dont u have ANY WORK? DumBoy?

  10. oh come on,its your surname you should be very proud of it .

  11. I am sure no one is going to make fun of your surname. Lots of people have unusual and interesting surnames. Don't be scared be proud. Your surname does not look funny it looks easy to pronounce since it is short to write.

  12. no... if you dont make fun of it... be proud of your surname....

  13. It is different but I think you're safe. It doesn't rhyme with anything funny. Like annie f***y or scotty potty, usually if people can't make a good rhyme with a name then you're safe.

  14. kids AWAYS think up ways to make fun of surnames, sometimes by rhyming it with something, or putting it into a little chant.  It may actually mean they LIKE you- at least they aren't ignoring you! So have a sense of humor if they do it, and they will probably like your sense of humor so much that they will like you.   Seriously, no one who is a good person will be judged just by their name, show good character and you will be liked and respected.  I am a girl, and people liked me, but they changed my surname to Gusty all through High school.

  15. it is your surname then why you are you feeling for it . take  all things   simply.

  16. not really

    it's not funny, if someone teases you just show him that when you are teased you turn more happier instead  

  17. Your name doesnt sound like funny. But dont let them scared by adding Rawa "NA" to your surname.If any one teases you pls make yourself RAWANA not to be Rawa always.

  18. nope its not funny.

  19. Many things people see or say about us, can come from our own feelings about us or ours..

    So...  Wear your name proud and with great honor, and good friends (that you are sure to have) will also see and respect the great reflections that you are giving them in reference to how you feel about your name...

    Guess What...

    All who does not see your name as a name to be proud of, just do not know the greatness of your name and it is their problem, NOT YOURS...

    Have a Great School Year !

  20. no one will care abt it just be have a good personality

  21. There is nothing wrong with your surname. There are a lot worse ones out there. You'll be fine.

    I had a boyfriend whose surname was squirrell, and my friend has the surname of  Alcock and they never had any trouble. I guess it depends on what your school is like.

  22. no......not at all....rawa is a nice surname...!

    it is u who think ur surname is funny...this is ur perceptions dear.....the moment u will kick out this thought from ur mind that ur name is funny.....u will definetly become more confident.....

    infact u should proudly say to others that u r from rawa family...!

    the confidence in u can bring out the beautiful student and human in u...

    so dont get afraid...dont shy....simply tell ur full name to ur frds....their is nothing funny in it..

    best of luck

  23. How is it pronounced? Is there a reason people will find it funny?

    I went to school with a boy whose name was Condom – he suffered a fair bit. Last week I met a three year old called Elfin – which is fine now but when he’s 15….

    Don’t worry about it, be confident and I’m sure no one will pay it any attention.

  24. your surname is your identification,and identification does not depends upon the sound funny?

  25. ur name is more funny as your surname try to change it

  26. No its not funny. I've hear much funnier surnames before.

  27. its your name be proud of it.

  28. hey!

    i think the name f urs is unique..... e1 thou u r not so gud at (say) studies, atleast ull b recognized!! dont u tink so....

    and btw, its not funny at all.. its ur identity, c'mon!!!

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