
Does naruto kiss hinata?

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  1. Yes,but Naruto Forgot wath Hinata tell him after the she prothet Naruto from Pain

  2. Nah I prefer sakura shes much more cuter than hinata.By the way in in the manga if you read it 469 sakura confesses to naruto and he rejects her (naruto shippuden 469)ps: you guys should read it on the internet it goes ahead of the cartoon spoiler big war rages because kabuto and madera join forces because they bring every ninga alive apart from the leaf hokages dont know why (bunch of idiots thy could do with the 4th)so far(2/3/11)

  3. Um Hinata does die but she is brought back to life after Nagato Gives his life to Revieve everyone he and his piens killed because he is the pien of life and death so they might after the pein fight but idk i think they do

  4. i love it wen ppl say YET!! cause it means its going to happen props to kishi NARUHINA FOR THE WIN!!!!!

  5. Naruto and hinata do not kiss, due to Hinata... dieing. I personally think it is quite funny that she dies right after confessing her love to him

  6.  hinata sooooooooooo deserves naruto. he is pretty blind to her though...naruhina rocks!!!!!!!11

  7. no 1 is ever kissed in Naruto or Naruto Shippuden. but there is an episode where Kakashi kisses a girl by accident 

  8. I am very sorry, but I think our good friend Sai might be homosexual...anyway: LONG LIVE NARUNATA!!!

  9. OMG Hinata and Naruto Love FOREVER!!!! I wanted them to be together so BAD!!! And Sakura can just go die in a bush somewhere....

  10. s***w SAKURA, that hopeless pathetic s**t. Who is always like "SASUKE! OOOH SASUKE!" I hope Hinata gets Naruto

  11. Wow... the ability to spell in this thread amazes me.  Anyhow, I do hope Naruto finds love with someone.  He's earned it, at least.  Does anyone know if poor Sai falls in love?  He's so cute, in an awkward way...

  12. hahahahahaha NARUTO

  13. they better i mean thet make the most cutest perfect couple!!! go naruhina!!!

  14. I WANT NARUTO TO BE WITH SAKURA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOT HINATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! f**k HINATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I WANT SAKURA TO BE WITH NARUTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. i hate hinata REALLY!!!!!!!!11

  17. NO, they haven't kissed. There's no episode or chapter (Manga) showing any evidence or clues of them kissing. Whether they do kiss in the future hasn't been decided yet..I've watched all 172 Shippuden episodes (Japan) N Manga as well..they haven't. yet....

  18. yes they do i forget what episode but naruto is in the hospital visiting somone and is haning from the sealing and hinata walks into him when hes about to ask her a qustin

  19. yes.. not just only kiss.. they were s*x also..

    just wacth them naruto and hinata hentai... and you will now clarify the answer ok!!!

  20. Yes they do in the latest episode.Go to this page: to see the moment.

  21. I think yes, in the latest episode.

  22. Yes. If you read farther into Naruto Shippuden (a really good site to do this is you will see that Naruto and Hinata do in deed kiss.

  23. idk but if you guys know tell me

  24. I'ts not true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have watched every episode all 220 Naruto episodes, read the manga and watched every episode of shippuden!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY HAVENOT KISSED YET!!!!!!!!!!

  25. What episode do naruto and Hinata kiss?

  26. you are the creators son?! Please, please, PLEASE send me the dubbed episodes that they've produced! I think they've gone up to 100 right? If you were to do that I could give you my email or something, and I would be forever in your debt.

  27. I'm not sure but if they do it's a high chance in Shippuden Naruto rules!!!!!!!!!

  28. If you know, Does Gaara ever fall in love with anyone?

  29. They do actullay i do know that they fall in love and one of the episodes .....(how do i know) secret father is the CREATOR >>>.<<< :) PS: i'll let you in a secret PEIN\Pain is the brother of Naruto Uzmaki he was abounded well not really more lefted because his mom" gave brith to him in the other town near whirlpool" mom left saying she'll come back then died in leave village" father had to go to war and died father fourth hoakage got mad" and wanted to end wars and decided to give pain to everyone doesn't know naruto his brother ....and so he was trained in whirlpool oh he is the leader of the astaki don't know how to spell hes the leader of itachi so yeah BIG SPIOLER jraiya DIES

  30. yes they do but i don't know what episode they kiss. all i know is that they kiss in one of the episode of "NARUTO SHPPIUDEN"

  31. Nope. But when they do it should be an accidental kiss. you know where, Naruto or Hinata trips, then the other trips and there lips meet and a guy should be with them from Hinata group and he's like ".... awkward." And Hinata would be all red and Naruto asks, "Are you ok Hinata" And she blushes even harder.

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